About samantha
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Entries by samantha
it contains rice and organic lavender, and is completely hand sewn. Gently lie it on your closed eyes during Shavasana, the final relaxation after a yoga class, use it while meditating on the ground or whenever you feel the need to relax. It is also perfect for a more peaceful night of sleep, thanks to […]
MACRAME A gentle meditation in a tangle of knots.
Meditating through the knots Meditating with the hands
Slowing down with Mother Earth Yoga Retreat
Yoga and Wellness Autumn Retreat 12-17 October 2020 Time for taking care of your self and reconnecting with the rhythm of nature Autumn is the perfect moment for slowing down, a season of introspection, a time for renewal, reflection, and self-growth. Join Samantha for a nourishing and recharging Yoga and Wellness Retreat at Hotel Miramonti**** […]
Online Yoga Practice at the time of COVID-19
This can be a very challenging time for many of us, but it is also a moment to cultivate our own development in order to become better human beings! During the time of COVID-19 our lives have been put completely upside-down, and we have learned that nothing is stable, everything is changing constantly, and we […]
Parent & Child Yoga
Due date: MERCOLEDI’ 13 NOVEMBRE 15:30 S. PIERO DOMENICA 24 NOVEMBRE 15:30 ACQUAPARTITA ed un momento speciale per dare l’occasione a bambini e genitori di sperimentare insieme la pratica dello yoga, in modo giocoso e divertente! Sarà un’occasione per avvicinarsi allo yoga e condividere un momento di gioco e profonda connessione. La lezione è aperta […]